Saturday, June 30, 2012

We went to the cinema!

A film I actually experienced on something bigger than the 10.1" netbook screen! Seriously why do they even bother to mention the extra .1 of an inch? Anyway we stocked up on such cinema nibble staples such as PINEAPPLE and MELON before heading to Centertainment to enjoy the magic of cinema; an experience shared full of people talking and touching each other and using their phones and rustling all the shit they've brought with them. Oh, was that us? 

Prometheus (2012) 

I was horribly distracted by the light SHINING IN MY FACE for quite a lot of this film. But regardless, Prometheus was ok and I enjoyed various aspects of it but it was sadly disappointing overall with some pretty unforgivable plot holes. 

I loved Alien. It's one of my favouorite films of all time and I adore Ridley Scott. Perhaps because of these high hopes I felt the fail more keenly. I was also horribly teased and led on by the trailers which seemed to offer a more worthy companion to the original than how it actually was.

The bad bits: The stupid half-hashed characters. The stupid spirital 'meaning of the universe' plot.
Noomi Rapace as the nympho scientist religious fanatic with daddy issues.You're so annoying! How did this happen when you were so great in Girl with a Dragon Tattoo? And why are you making a face like a Mongolian hamster all the time.? And why wasn't Charlize Theron given more lines instead?

The good bits: Michael Fassbender as the android - This man is amazing, I want more of him. I'm going to watch every film he's ever done. Ridley Scotts's landscapes - You just know when you're watching a Scott film. The scares and creepy alien gore- I was pretty damn tense for quite a lot of the film. There's a lot of action, beautifully shot, with effortless effects and lots of disgusting, disturbing  violent alien bits. 

In all, I found it hard weighing it up and my initial feelings when I came out of the cinema can be summed up as 'meh' and 'but why?' If you can go and just enjoy the nice space romp with the cool scenery and nice nasty aliens then good for you. But if you were yearning after something more densely plotted, well characterised and challenging on par with Alien, then you'll be disappointed as I was. 


Go see it, just don't get too excited.


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