Sunday, June 24, 2012

Yet another ASDA film...

Yes, we found one more film on the ASDA top seller list. This time it was:


It's a Norwegian film starring Swedish actress Noomi Rapace (who we had recently seen in Ridley Scott's Prometheus, which we will review very soon).
IMDB describes the film as following:

"After a baby monitor picks up another channel, Anna begins reliving the nightmare she'd recently escaped."

I would say that the film is a bit more complicated than that. The baby monitor is not as central in the film as this might indicate. Don't get me wrong it does play a vital part in the film although in what I would consider a sub plot.

If I were to summarise the film in a sentence it would be something like this:

"Haunted by her past Anna moves to a new place, she becomes friends with home-electronics salesman Helge while her psyche falls apart."

The film is ultimately scary, not in a jumping out of your seat and choking on your cheese curls way but in a more clever way. It gets you thinking what traumatic things can do to a person and gives you goosebumps when you finally get what has happened. Although...with that said the film holds out on everything until the very end and you sit and guess what really is going on, which ultimately becomes quite annoying.

Being Swedish I can also tell you that the dialogue is a bit strange from time to time. That could maybe be because it was a Norwegian writing the script. I don't see any reason why the main character would be Swedish when it's a Norwegian film, every other character in the film is and speaks Norwegian even Anna's child Anders.

The acting is through-out the film good with some really low-marks, especially in the scenes with children.

Don't get fooled by the slow pace of the film, it's really worth it in the end. Also don't reject it because it's not in English, subtitles are available.


~ Chris

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